the impact of Hurricanes on coral reefs

Hurricanes impact coral reefs in many ways. Reefs help the shoreline during hurricanes. Fortunately the presence of the Great Barrier Reef, for example, helps to reduce the strength of waves that accompany hurricanes, and decrease the impact on the shoreline of Australia. Some believe tropical storms benefit to the reef ecosystem. The hurricanes and tropical storms spread the reef by clearing dead organisms and spreading the broken branches of coral that break off. These pieces scatter and reproduce to start new colonies in different parts of the ocean. Other people believe hurricanes are much more destructive, rather than helpful. Sponges and sea fans are ripped from their bases and appear on shores. Waves shatter entire communities of coral. Sediments in the water decrease the visibility through the water and reduce the amount of sunlight able to reach the coral; that stops the coral from growing. Hurricanes, therefore, impact the coral reefs in good ways and in bad.